Saturday, 19 April 2008

Let's try again now I've calmed down

Okay, so as I was saying. It rained as anticipated when I walked the dogs this afternoon. However, Bernie my pet Kite (I've named him) was watching from the shelter of the trees at our every move. So I called him to come, (Iolo Williams-style) with a "come on then, come on" and you could have knocked me down with a feather when he did just that. Wow, I was blown away, nearly literally of course as it was still windy as hell! He has no tags that I can see on him, so not been caught and identified, but he is so unafraid, I'd love to take him some meat up and see if he'd come down for it, even though I'm squeamish. Trouble is once you do it, you have to keep it up, else it's not fair. Anyway, he swooped around me for a bit, then got fed up with getting wet and went back and perched up in a tree near the nest. I guess the hen will be sitting on eggs or maybe even chicks by now - can't wait to see.

Because of the rain, the only in flight shot I got that didn't get blurred still isn't that great, but he was only about 20 feet away for it. Hopefully he will still be around when we have some nice days, trouble is Kate doesn't normally walk that field near the nest, we go further up and he doesn't seem to come up there, I've not noticed him anyway.


nicola said...

Oh jan you do make me laugh so much...

Dont worry about the other bloke explore the other one, we have to kiss many frogs etc etc etc

The Quacks of Life said...

i make no comment on the bloke. give the muck ups I've made,

be happy. works for me.

hope you seen the kites in bright sunshine!! can i have sun!!

oldcrow61 said...

Ha, ha, Nics right. Beautiful bird btw.