Monday, 1 October 2007

Awww - just hedgehogs

First there was Billy No Marks

Then along came Half Pint to share

Then came a third, Bully Boy, and barged Half Pint off the dish, .....

but all he wanted was a drink of water, then he went

then Half Pint had a drink and left..

So Billy No Marks thought, yay, I've got it all to myself again.

but not for long, the eyeballs at the water dish have returned....


oldcrow61 said...

lol, so cute. Great pictures.

Janine said...

Great pics of hogs! Thats cool about the shrew too.

nicola said...

Great shots Jan, arnt they lovely looking hogs!

The Quacks of Life said...

i think this is called torture!!!

cute though.

Mo said...

Lovely, our hedgehog keeps the garden slug population down.