Tuesday 2 October 2007

Just a quickie ...

Today has been fantastic, so warm and sunny most of the day, outside doing some stuff in the garden in a t-shirt and was dripping. It clouded up about 4-ish but not a breath of wind, so was still lovely. Guinea pigs went out for the first time in ages.

I did my two stints up at the farm, which means I've walked about 4 miles or so today (so has Emma, and she is exhausted) I wasn't going to take her back up there this afternoon, she was fast asleep, but as soon as I was about to sneak out, she was awake and wanting to come.

I wanted to laugh this afternoon, when I went into the field and started counting the sheep, I had this image of Bitzer in Shaun the Sheep with his clipboard, ticking the boxes, I need one I think, I lost count three times and had to start again. All present and correct anyway. I will take the camera up tomorrow and get a pic of one of the rams, he has a magnificent set of horns. I think he must be a Jacob.

Well, I'm gonna jump in the bath and have a soak, my back is crying out for some tlc after the gardening and cleaning out the cages, and cleaning in here I've done today. Haven't stopped all day.

Diddy boy saying hello to his old friends


oldcrow61 said...

Sounds like you had a great day. What a great spot you have for the guinea pigs. Awww, Diddy, what a guy!

The Quacks of Life said...

did someone throw a stick for you :D