Friday, 17 August 2007


Started decorating the bedroom yesterday. Had a minor disaster. I bought some "funky" pink paint, which means it is sort of luminous and sparkly - I think there may be a spelling mistake, change the "n" for a "c" and it may be nearer the mark. I wanted to do one of the wardrobes (which I had painted chocolate last year and have hated ever since) This turned out okay thankfully, apart from having to do three coats (yawn) but the wall needed doing as well. It didn't like that very much at all unfortunately. Also three coats (and I only painted round the wardrobes, no way could I move them out of the way without taking all my stuff out. (I am such a bodger!) Anyway, it looked bloody terrible, went all patchy with mauve streaks. So today went in search of some posters. I had seen some online, but as usual I can't wait and wanted to buy something to cover the ugly mess asap. Woolies came to my rescue, although they mainly only had childrens ones, managed to find a couple of cute doggy ones, and a map of the world which will be useful, I am hopeless with geographical locations of countries. I still need one other though, so may resort to buying online, best be another dog one I suppose. I was wanting something like tropical beaches or paradise, or sunsets but still the dogs are more in keeping with the other stuff in my room like about 50 soft toy dogs and pictures of Emma and other CKCs all over the other wall!

Other than that, took some pics of bumble bees on the teasels and a friendly Starling on the holly this morning, don't often see Starlings here this time of year, but a couple of pairs did stay to breed this year, the majority of them go off in March and then return in their droves in late October.

Found Diddy boy hiding under a clump of grass!

Almost sorted


The Quacks of Life said...

nice bees Jan

Anonymous said...

I wish you would be more attentive to that chicken. It looks like he fainted or collapsed. Can't you please give him a little treat now and then?

Jan said...

Lol anon, he was fine, busy sunning himself, and have a preen. He gets loads of goodies everyday, he is spoiled rotten I can assure you. He has chopped peanuts (his favourite) grapes, raisins, tinned sweetcorn, bits of biscuit - he eats better than I do. AND I groom his head for him now he hasn't got a lady friend to do it for him!

cmk said...

Now, THAT is pink, my dear! :) I once painted one of the girl's rooms seafoam green--and it was about that same intensity. Got used to it rather quickly, but it did startle people who visited. ;) Great pics, as usual.

Anonymous said...

I like it Jan - the pink - it looks bright and nice. I love all the doggie posters and stuffed ones. You are always so busy.

oldcrow61 said...

Nice pictures. What a lot of doggies you have there.