My weekend for looking after the farm, and I couldn't wait for this afternoon, so that I could go and spend some time walking round the fields, the peace and tranquility, the beautiful hot sunshine, fantastic scenery. I was pacing around indoors trying to find stuff to do till I could go. In the end, I decided to take Emma round the field first, as not sure how the farm dogs would get on with her. So I walked round two fields with her, about half an hour, hard going too cos the grass is long, but Emma loved it. Carried on down the farm track and did all the stuff, then got the collies out and then thought, oh well, in for a penny, lets introduce them to Emma (Kate had explained they'd never met or walked with any other dogs) Well Skye ignored her completely, and Barra was smitten. I kept wanting to call him Bitzer (Pete will understand!) He was rounding the both of us up all the way up the track to the field, mainly with his nose up Emma's rear end. When we got in the field, he was beside himself not knowing whether to run like he normally does with Skye or stick with us, he was back and forth. In the end, Emma was getting a bit fed up with his attentions, so I found a stick, and threw it, and Skye got it. So I had to find another one for him. That finally did it, they were off, wanting me to throw all the time and having a great time. So poor Emma although enjoyed it, walked about 4 miles this afternoon!
I did all the feeding, checked the sheep, could only count 25 but Kate had said not to worry, as they had been squeezing under a fence and going right down the bottom of the valley. The feral cats scarpered when I went with their dish of food, but soon came back. The other cats whose names escape me were tucking in to their food, all very civilised. So all in all, a good time. I didn't take any photos, I'm not sure whether it would be right to do so without asking them, and I don't want to do anything that they may not be happy with, it's like a a breach of trust and their privacy really, I'm not sure how to put it, but better safe than sorry. I know the likelihood of them seeing this blog is probably nil, but all the same.
Instead I will put a photo of last night with the awwwwwww factor. Two cute little hoggies sharing the food dish. Bless.
Sounds like you had a great day. Emma must have been exhausted by the time you got home. Lots of snoring last night I expect, lol.
Lovely hoggies!
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