Saw some nice wild Broom in full bloom, really pretty, and saw what was left of a poor pigeon or collared dove too. Also saw two long-tailed tits which was nice (live ones)
Today seems to be the day for baby birds here in the garden. I have my first baby great tit, which is the baby of the one I took the photo of here last week, Fleck, (has a little black fleck on his white cheek patch) Also baby sparrows, two sitting on the fence sunbathing as I write this, baby greenfinch on the feeder, just need to see baby robins now....
I'll have to post the photos later, blogger is back to its normal crap of not letting you publish photos again. Havent had this since they changed to the new one, I guess its the time of night. I get so bloody annoyed, especially when I have now attempted to load 5 at a time, twice and then one on its own and it won't have any of it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Always the way when time is tight. I have the wind farm protest meeting tonight so won't be here, and am running late now. Double Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
We had a much drier day than was forecast yesterday and managed a pleasant walk.
Blogger often plays up for me and I have learnt it is easier to upload pics one at a time as at least one or two might make it!
Nice pictures Jan.
More wet weather here too, though some nice sunshine as well. I got drenched on Wednesday at my dog show, hard driving rain and a cold wind. At least you fot your pictures loaded eventually - you do live in a beautiful place.
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