Friday, 5 January 2007

The first post

Well, I'm a glutton for punishment, but this time maybe, I shall be a bit more careful about what I say about my private life. There again I doubt it, I never could keep my big trap shut.
So today, being the first one, I shall start as I mean to go on, and have a good old whinge about my state of health. Been feeling bloody terrible for ages now, finally went to see the docs this morning. Turned into a nightmare. One thing I can't take, makes me very edgy, is having to sit and wait for very long. I had an appointment with the doctor, no problem, got in to see her within five minutes or so, but she then wanted me to see the nurse for blood tests and my B12 injection. I had to wait almost an hour. I got very agitated, and almost left to be honest. I get kind of claustrophobic and start to panic. Anyway, all done, got given some pain killers to try (well prescription for) and as soon as the result of my mamogram is back, I can go back on the HRT if I'm given the all clear. I am so sick of the hot flushes, getting no rest at night, keep waking up soaking wet, and boiling, prickly heat, then next time I wake, all shivery and freezing where all the bed clothes are sopping wet. It's awful. She thinks the pain down my left side is muscular. Heart and lungs sound fine, so no need to panic about angina or anything at present. Just hope I can take the pain killers without my usual problem of wanting to be sick, we shall see, cos I had hardly any sleep last night, my arm and shoulder were hurting really bad.

I was hoping to take the pooch to the vets before 10 oclock, as she is due her check up on the eye ulcer, but no chance of that so have to go back out now in the rain to take her between 2 and 3 pm. I am tempted to leave it actually, as she is due her yearly booster injection, and I may just be able to wangle it for next Tuesday - Damien day. Smirk. Just the thought of him makes me feel better already. I think I will definitely do that anyway, need to check though to make sure he will be taking surgery still on Tuesdays, couldn't face the disappointment....

Well that will do for this time, anyone who wants to put the links again on their blogs, feel free, and hopefully, I will reciprocate if I may, as long as it's not too complicated now that I am running the two blogs. I definitely shan't be doing the Travels one again, maybe I can shake off the stalker..., but if not, so what, I shall mod all comments from now on, so they won't ever be published, so the emails from most anonymous sources will get deleted anyway, so don't waste your breaths, creeps!


Anonymous said...

By hook and by slog,
I ll be first in this blog.

lol, had to put that in, hope your feeling better soon Jan. Pauline.

oldcrow61 said...

Well, I reckoned, I'd be second. lol

Hope you get better soon.

nicola said...

Im third !!!!

Boo said...

Me third! Sorry you are not feeling well Jan, hope you get better soon.

A person I met in hospital also couldn't take pills without being sick. She has a nibble of a dry biscuit in order to get hers down, maybe it will work for you too.

I have deleted "Travels" from my faves, but if you decide to continue will you please let me know?


Jan said...

Sorry ladies, I don't want any fighting in the ranks, Nic was third, but I didn't come on here yesterday to post, felt too ill. So Boo, you were 4th! Thanks for your sympathies, you can read all the gory details in my today's one.