Saturday, 3 November 2007

Have a slight problem....

Last night, when I put the hogs food out in the front porch around dusk, I noticed a slight movement out of the corner of my eye in my hanging basket, which is right by the front door, I mean literally 8 inches away from the edge of the door. I focused and saw a small bird in there, looking at me, and about to fly off. Thought no more of it because I have the suet pellet feeder hanging from this just underneath, and a peanut feeder hanging too, so guessed it was just a late feeding birdy who was caught out by me opening the door and dived in there for cover. This hanging basket has trailing ivy, a small bush like a mini conifer in it, and I've had trailing lobelia this summer too. Anyway, tonight, when I put the dish out again, I looked just out of interest, and there is a little wren roosting in there! How cute is that! I can't take a photo obviously as it will scare it half to death and I don't want it flying off in the dark in a panic. But the trouble is that I am afraid now to open the door to let Emma out for a wee,, had to let her out the back tonight, and she then went potty because she could smell the hogs, and probably there was one on the lawn by the way she went off. Oh poos, now what to do.


The Quacks of Life said...

put emma in a nappy?


oldcrow61 said...

I can just see that Pete, lol. Jan, if the bird has been there for a few days, she has no doubt seen Emma go in and out and maybe isn't bothered by her. Just a thought!

Anonymous said...

The little wren has been there roosting all the time Jan, it is used to you and Emma, I have one roost in my winter hanging baskets, its more than used to people coming and going, clever little birds, they know its a safe and dry place to sleep. Pauline.