Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Short one

Went shopping today, as there wasn't anything I could be bothered to do at home. The fog hardly lifted all day today, although a bit of blue broke through a couple of times. Anyhow, I treated myself to a couple of new t-shirts for the summer (£3 each) and a new pair of slippers (£6) and then got a few bits of food in Tesco.

Had a picnic lunch in the car with Emma (I was good and had another Healthy eating John West tuna thingy, less than 250 cals, and an apple) then we walked round the reservoirs. The resident Buzzard was around again today, it's fairly tame as Buzzards go I guess, must get used to people and will sit in the tree until you are within spitting distance. I wish I'd had my proper camera instead of the Nokia with me, I could have got a couple of decent shots, before he decided to fly off into another tree a bit further away. Despite my conversation with him, he wasn't having any. Also heard my first Chiff Chaff of the year today, and managed to see him, once the leaves are on the trees, it's nigh impossible to spot them.

Okay so anyone recognise the plant? It was growing in the water, and from a distance, it looked like a huge banana sticking out!

Still no hedgehog sightings, but lots more poo around and the dish of food was nearly all gone again first thing, I checked to see before any birds could have been helping themselves. He is certainly coming very late.

Oh and it's a good job I didn't go to mums, cos today was the day I was planning on going, and we had thick fog here until at least 11 am, wouldn't have been very keen to drive in that.

Spot the Buzzard!


nicola said...

ooo dont know what that plant is, it does look like a nanna, be interesting to see what it turns into!

oldcrow61 said...

I spotted the buzzard. Took me a minute. Don't know what the plant is.