No fainting please, this may well be a one-off blog, I don't know if I can keep it up, so much happens lately, so little time to spare, well not exactly, but I always seem to have other more important things to do, and just can't seem to get enthusiastic about using the pc so much these days, apart from looking up things, a couple of quizzes instead of my old 25 or so a day... and buying stuff online of course, which sometimes seems to be the best and cheapest way.
Anyway, enough waffle, I took some photos of the snow the other day when Alan and I went for a walk up the hillside and along the top, various bits and bobs. The snow came thick and fast on Saturday, luckily we'd made it home because it was a real blizzard. Has been the most beautiful weather since, blue skies and sunny days, but never rising much above freezing even so, and the weather men say we have more to come this week. It put paid to me going up to see mum over Christmas so I have all her pressies here still, awaiting a few decent days when we can travel safely hopefully. The main roads are clear-ish now, but the side roads and pavements are lethal, people are having to walk on the roads.
Other brief news which is a bit sad but trying not to make much of it and think about it too much, but Emma had a turn for the worse over the last month or so resulting in her being hospitalised at the vets on a drip twice, her kidneys have all but given up after a year, and she had a steroid injection to get them going again. So far, so good, her appetite returned and she is almost back to her old self but I have been warned that she probably only has months left now, she won't see next Christmas, and that I've been lucky she lasted this long since the onset of her kidney failure in December 2008. She hasn't got a lot of energy and doesn't want to walk very far now, if at all but is happy to be out in the garden really. It's hurting like hell to not be able to take her with us, like on the walk up in the snow, two years ago she would have been loving it.
Still mustn't dwell on it, treating every day as a bonus now and hope she carries on for a long time yet.
Another thing to mention is little Frank the robin is back on the scene daily, still being chased by the other one if given the chance, and the sad news is that he appears to have broken his leg/foot. Been dangling now for over a week and showing no sign of healing so I guess he is going to be burdened with that now, hope it doesn't make him more vulnerable. Jake the Blackbird has managed with a similar injury though for at least 3 years, so hopefully he will be ok. He is always waiting for me in the front porch mainly now, and I am debating whether to go get some live mealworms again as I know he prefers those, he will eat the dried ones reluctantly though and the suet pellets. All the birds are absolutely starving in this weather and I am being inundated with blackbirds (at least 10) chaffinches and starlings being the most numerous.
That's all for this time then, now will post some of the photos. First ones are of the garden and views from. (Alan made the Snow Owl and Snowman) :o)

Frank this morning